For most of my junior year of college, I was pretty academically unhappy. More and more, journalism (my major) was becoming something that weighed me down, something that I was starting to hate. My film classes had become the high points in my academic calendar. It was in late April (2007) of that year that I finally made up my mind - I was going to change my major. As Mizzou did not have a film major at that time (it does starting winter semester 2010 - which I'll talk about more in the next post), I decided to change to Interdisciplinary Studies, with my emphasis areas primarily in Film Studies and secondarily in Journalism (so as not to let all the hours I'd accumulated in that area go to waste). With the exception of maybe one or two classes, my favorite classes in my time at Mizzou were my film ones, both before and after the major change. Come to think about it, those couple of exceptions, while not Film Studies classes, did still have aspects relating to film.

Not only did I change my major, I changed my whole idea of what I wanted to do as a career. My senior year of college, when I had decided that I definitely wanted to pursue a career as a film critic, my journalism advisor told me that she thought that I'd wind up pursuing filmmaking. Then, I thought she was wrong. I was content to spend hours upon hours watching films, writing about them and sharing my opinions. While I'm still content to do that (to a lesser extent), I'm also pretty eager about pursuing screenwriting. I took my capstone in screenwriting in fall 2008. I completed my first full-length screenplay, To Be Determined, and pitched it to my class, complete with fake movie poster. After positive feedback from most of the people who read it, my mom had me submit it for the Nicholl Fellowship in spring 2009. It didn't make the cut, but I'm sure I'll try again at some point.
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